All Rho Card transactions, even those that have been auto-approved as configured in your approvals settings, are shown in the Company and Personal Expenses tabs.
Understanding the Transactions Table
The default view on the Expenses tab is grouped by approval statuses, presenting a view that shows all expenses that require your approval in real-time. This makes it easy to understand what requires your attention, and what action needs to be taken.
To drill down to a specific expense, use groups, filters, or search.
What do the different approval statuses mean?

- Complete: Expense has been approved
- Auto-Complete: Expense has been approved automatically, per the organization’s approval policy
- Needs My Approval: Expense requires approval from you
- Needs Approval: Expense requires one or more approvals, from other users in the organization
- Incomplete: Expense is missing one or more pieces of information, per the organization’s submission policy
- Out-Of-Policy: Expense is determined Out-Of-Policy per the organization’s submission policy
- Rejected: Expense has been rejected by an approver
To see more details, like whether an expense was manually or automatically approved, or what information is missing from an expense, or click on the expense to see full details.
How to approve a transaction
All transactions that aren’t auto-approved require an approver to manually review and approve or reject the transaction.
Expenses which require your immediate approval will appear by default, under Needs Approval.
To approve a singular expense, hit the checkbox and click Approve. If you want to view more attributes, you can click anywhere on the expense to see more details, or you can simply scroll to the right to view more columns.
Note: The columns are adjustable by clicking on View.

How to reject a transaction
To reject a transaction, follow the same steps as detailed above, but click Reject.
You’ll be prompted to add a note, and the rejection reason will be sent to the submitting user, and remain in the activity history of the expense.

Bulk Actioning Expenses
You can also approve or reject expenses in bulk. This is particularly helpful for approvers who have a large number of expenses to review, and want to efficiently action on them.
To bulk action, simply select the checkboxes of the expenses you’d like to action, and either approve or reject via the buttons in the header.