Automatic Card Payments enable continuous card spending by ensuring you always have sufficient credit limit headroom. You can customize your limit threshold and payment amount to suit your needs.
Set Up Automatic Payments
To set up automatic card payments, click on your business name in the upper left corner of your screen to find the Organization Settings option.
Only Account Owners and Administrators are able to configure Automatic Card Payments.

In the Administration tab, scroll to the Payment Security section, then scroll until you see the section for Automatic Payments. Click on "Change settings" and the payment criteria will appear below.

Customize Your Credit Limit Threshold
First, you must customize your credit limit threshold. This percentage reflects the card balance value that triggers Rho to automatically create a payment. This allows you to continue spending as you approach your limit. The default is 95%. You can set a threshold between 1 and 99%.
- For example, using the default 95%, if your credit limit is $100,000, once your credit balance is over $95,000, this will trigger Rho to automatically create an interim payment via an ACH Pull.
Customize Your Payment Amount
Next, customize your payment amount. This is calculated as a percentage of your total credit limit. The default is 5%. You can set a payment amount between 1 and 99%.
- For example, using the default 5% - if your credit limit is $100,000, once your credit balance has exceeded $95,000 (per the above example), Rho will automatically make an interim payment of $5,000 via ACH Pull. This card payment of $5,000 will be applied to your card balance in order to enable continuous spending.
Select Your Payment Account Source
Finally, you must select the account from which you would like the interim payment to be automatically paid. An automatic ACH pull will occur for the preset % amount once the threshold is hit. Available accounts include:
- Your Rho checking account
- Your linked account at a third-party financial institution
For more information about linking an external account, see How can I link a business account to my Rho account?
Please Note: Automatic payments are credited to your Rho Card account when received to enable uninterrupted card spending for accounts in good standing. The Rho Card payment isn't complete until after the payment settlements and the ACH reversal window has closed.