The Rho application allows you to create departments to help you manage your organization’s expenses.
For example, let’s say you wanted to set up a budget of $100,000 for your Sales department. In Rho, you can create a department called Sales and specify the Department Amount as $100,000.
Once the department is created, you can ensure that every time you spend money on this department, it is taken out of the appropriate reporting department. Then, from the Department Reporting page, you can view all of the Sales expenditures for the month, quarter, and fiscal year.
Once a department is created, you can:
- Assign a Rho Card to that department so that all transactions using that card are reflected in the department.
- Associate existing transactions to a department to ensure correct management of your finances.
- Specify the appropriate department for a financial transfer.
Additionally, you can assign specific users to a specific department.
Which team members can see these departments?
Any employee you add. To add a team member to a Department in order to give them the ability to tag their transactions to that Department you can follow these easy steps!
The amount of cash in my Rho account changed. Do these departments need to be fully funded?
No. Creating a department is just like creating a spending budget. For example, you can set a department spending budget of $25,000. That amount will be the budget whether the account has a $10,000 or $100,000 balance. However, unlike a card limit, you can go over a Department budget. As noted earlier, these are soft limits, just for tracking, not meant to inhibit spending.
The Departments Tab
- Active departments are displayed in tabular format.
- To view Archived Departments, scroll down the page.
- Additionally, you can create a new department by clicking the Create Department button. For more information, see Create a New Department.

The table provides the following information about your departments:
- Department Color Label
Displays the assigned color for the department, used for identification in graphs. - Department Name
The name of the department. - Number of Users
The number of users in your organization is associated with the department. - Budget
The amount of money budgeted for the department. - Period Spending
The total amount of all expenditures for the specified time period assigned to this department. - Reset Cadence
The time period when the department is reset. For example, if the Reset Cadence for your $10,000 Sales department is monthly, then on the first of the next month, the Remaining Department Amount returns to $10,000, regardless of the current monthly expenditures. - Remaining Spend
The percentage of the spend that remains to be spent for the specified time period.
To view a Department's specific activity, click on the Department Name from the reporting list.
The Departments Reporting Page
Here you can view:
- Total Spending
- Total Budget Amount
- Reset Cadence
- Graph of Spendsome text
- You can filter all of the above by a specific date range for Day, Week, Month, Quarter, or Year.
- Recent Transactions Tagged to that Department

The Settings page allows you to:
- View the Department details and make edits to them. some text
- Edit the department name and colour.
- Enter the desired Department Budget and cadence.
- Archive or Close the Department.
- Manage Cards, Vendors, and Users (add/delete from a Department)