Understand what each permission enables, using this glossary.
These permissions can be customized for user groups, except for Account Owner or Administrator user groups.
The Credit section refers to all permissions associated with Credit settings.
Permission NamePermission "On" DefinitionRequest credit terms changeUser can request credit terms change.View rewards
User can view rewards account.
Personal card management
The personal card management section refers to the handling of own cards and card transactions — in other words, only the cards that are under the user's name. Within this section, the user can perform the following actions depending on the permissions granted.
Permission NamePermission "On" DefinitionView own card transactionsUser can view transactions only from their own cards.Manage own cardsUser has access to view card settings. The "Manage own card permissions" permission dictates whether they can edit these settings or not.Manage own card permissionsUser can edit own card settings (Nickname, Budget, Limit, Receipt Upload Notifications, Selected Merchants/Categories, Card Usage Dates).Issue own physical cardsUser can create their own physical card.Issue own virtual cardsUser can create their own virtual card.Lock own cardsUser can lock their own cards.Unlock own cardsUser can unlock their own cards.Delete own cardsUser can cancel their own cards.Share Card Details
User can share their virtual card details with any email address via card settings feature.
Team card management
Team card management refers to a set of permissions where the user can see and manage other team member's cards. Enabling these permissions is targeted for users who are in charge of creating and managing cards across an organization, similar to an Account Owner or Administrator.
Permission NamePermission "On" DefinitionView team cardsUser can view all cards. User can access Team cards tab.View cardsUser can view "Overview" and "My Cards" tabs. Cannot see team cards.Manage team cardsUser can edit team card settings (Nickname, Budget, Limit, Receipt Upload Notifications, Selected Merchants/Categories, Card Usage Dates).Manage cardsUser can see but not edit team card settings (Nickname, Budget, Limit, Receipt Upload Notifications, Selected Merchants/Categories, Card Usage Dates).Manage team card permissionsUser can edit team card settings (Nickname, Budget, Limit, Receipt Upload Notifications, Selected Merchants/Categories, Card Usage Dates).Manage card permissionsUser can see but not edit team card settings (Nickname, Budget, Limit, Receipt Upload Notifications, Selected Merchants/Categories, Card Usage Dates).Issue team physical cardsUser can create physical cards for other team members.Issue physical cardsUser can create physical cards for other team members.Issue team virtual cardsUser can create virtual cards for other team members.Issue virtual cardsUser can create virtual cards for other team members.Lock team cardsUser can lock team cards.Lock cardsUser can lock team cards.Unlock team cardUser can unlock team cards.View team card transactionsUser can view team card transactions.View card transactionsUser can view team card transactions.Manage automatic credit repayment settingsUser can set up and edit automatic credit repayments. User needs to have permission to access security settings first, by toggling "Manage Security Settings" on.
Personal banking management
The personal banking section refers to banking transfers associated with one specific user. Under this tab, allow individual users to view their banking transfers and manage attached files and notes associated with each. Note that this level of permissions does not give the user visibility into the organization's full list of transactions.
Personal banking managementPermission "On" DefinitionView own transactionsUser can only see own banking transactions.Manage own attached filesUser can manage attachment files associated with own banking transactions.Manage own user notesUser can add/edit notes associated with own banking transactions.
Team banking management
This section refers to banking transfers associated with your organization. Under this tab, enable users to view all of the banking transfers and manage attached files and notes associated with each. Note that this level of permissions gives users visibility into your organization's full list of transfers.
Team banking managementPermission "On" DefinitionView transactions - mandatoryUser can view team banking transactions.Manage attached filesUser can manage team banking transactions' attached files.Manage team attached filesUser can manage team banking transactions' attached files.Manage user notesUser can add and edit team banking transactions' notes.Manage team user notesUser can add and edit team banking transactions' notes.
Transfers and Accounts
This section refers to banking transfers associated with your organization. Under this tab, enable users to create and manage transfers, as well as the bank accounts. Note that this level of permissions gives users full access into your organization's bank accounts and transfers.
Transfers and AccountsPermission "On" DefinitionCreate transfersUser can create new banking transfers.Manage recurring transfersUser can add and edit recurring banking transfers.Manage team recurring transfersUser can add and edit recurring banking transfers.Update transferUser can edit (labels, budgets) banking transfers.Update team transferUser can edit (labels, budgets) banking transfers.Delete transfersUser can cancel scheduled transfers.Redeem rewardsUser can transfer rewards from rewards account.Manage multiline transactionsUser can manage split transactions.View accountsUser can view all accounts.View clearing accountUser can view DACA accounts.Manage accountsUser can manage bank account settings.View account balances - mandatoryUser can view all accounts' balances.
Expense management
The expense management section refers to all permissions associated with the Expense Management product.
Expense managementPermission "On" DefinitionCan view expensesUser can view all expenses.Can view budget expensesUser can view all expenses associated with a budget.Can approve budget expensesUser can approve expenses associated with a budget.Can view own expenses - mandatoryUser can view own expenses.Can approve expensesUser can approve team expenses.Can reject expensesUser can reject team expenses.Can reject budget expensesUser can reject team budget expenses.Can be approverUser can be selected as the approver of expenses.Can Edit Expense PolicyUser can edit expenses policies of the company.Can configure expensesUser can set up expenses of the company.
Rho Treasury
The Rho Treasury section refers to all permissions associated with the Rho Treasury product.
Rho TreasuryPermission "On" DefinitionView TreasuryUser can view Rho Treasury overview, balances, positions, activity, transfers, linked accounts, and statements. This is a parent permission to "Manage treasury."Manage TreasuryUser can manage Rho Treasury transfers, and linked accounts.
The vendors section refers to all permissions associated with creating and managing vendors across your organization.
VendorsPermission "On" DefinitionCreate VendorsUser can add new vendors. This permission does not control the user's ability to add a payment type for vendors.Manage VendorsUser can add and edit payment types.Delete VendorsUser can can delete vendor.View VendorsUser can view all vendors, vendor address, and payment type (ACH, Wire, Check).View Vendor Routing numberUser can view routing number associated with each vendor payment type.View Vendor Payment historyUser can view payment history associated with all vendors.
The budgets section refers to all permissions associated with creating and managing budgets. The section is divided into personal budget management and team budget management, with the latter having a wider range of permissions.
Personal budget overview
Personal budget overviewPermission "On" DefinitionView own budgetsUser can view budgets created by the user.View own budget balancesUser can view budget balances created by the user.
Team budget overview
Team budget overviewPermission "On" DefinitionView budgetsUser can view budgets assigned to the user.View team budgetsUser can view all team budgets.View budget balancesUser can view all budgets' balances.View own budget balancesUser can view own budgets' balances.Download CSV dataUser can download CSV data associated with own budgets.Download team CSV dataUser can download CSV data associated with team budgets.
Budget managementPermission "On" DefinitionManage labelsUser can edit and manage labels.Create budgetsUser can create new budgets.Update budgetsUser can update existing budgets.Delete budgetsUser can delete budgets.
Accounts Payable
The Accounts Payable section refers to all permissions associated with viewing and managing the AP product.
Accounts PayablePermission "On" DefinitionView Accounts Payable reportUser can view Accounts Payable report ($ amount of bills outstanding, number of open bills, approvals needed, scheduled payments, recently paid.)View billsUser can view all bills.Manage billsUser can manage all bills.
The Security section refers to all permissions associated with managing visibility and security across your organization.
SecurityPermission "On" DefinitionView UsersUser can view all users (Name, email, phone number, group, budgets.)View UBOUser can view all sections in the Account tab within Organization Settings except Linked Account information.Manage security settingsUser can edit all security settings (2FA for transactions and cards, merchant restrictions, external transfers, expense approvals, automatic card payments.)Authorize integrationsUser can manage accounting integrations.View integrationsUser can view all accounting integrations.Manage UsersUser can add and edit users.Manage GroupsUser can view groups.Manage client level restrictionsUser can manage groups and permissions.Manage Plaid Direct ServiceUser can manage Plaid Direct Service.