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How Rho is supporting NYC founders in 2024.

Read Rho's CEO letter to founders, see event opportunities to meet investors, and earn rewards for switching your operating account to Rho today.

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Rho is a fintech company, not a bank. Checking and card services provided by Webster Bank, N.A., member FDIC; savings account services provided by American Deposit Management LLC. and its partner banks.
In 2023, New York startups accounted for 15% of all US venture deals for the first time ever.

Lightspeed Ventures. (2024). Report: The state of New York Tech.

A letter to NYC startup founders.

"You should move to Silicon Valley.”

When my co-founder, Alex, and I were trying to raise our initial financing for Rho, we heard this advice over and over. New York was still emerging as a tech ecosystem, and it was significantly harder to raise capital here than in San Francisco in 2018 – and anytime prior.

We remained here, building Rho in downtown NYC, despite that well-intentioned advice, because we believed deeply in this city's remarkable energy and potential. We knew New York would develop into the best city in the world to launch a startup, and we wanted to be a part of that transformation.

Fast forward, we’re now five years into our journey, and I have the same conviction I had when we started.

New York City is the best place in the world to build a business.

From first-class funds to an ecosystem of founders building the next generation of technology companies, NYC has the greatest concentration of big ideas, uncompromising innovators, and world-class operators.

Today, there are over 25k tech-enabled startups in NYC and 300+ venture capital firms based here, and New York is the second-largest tech ecosystem in the world. New York startups raised $10.7bn over 812 deals in 2023, and its venture market has been growing at more than twice the pace of San Francisco. 

What makes New York great is that it is not exclusively a tech city. Tech is now just one of the industries that attract the world's most talented and ambitious people to the city. And that makes it the best place in the world to build a business. 

This year, we’re doubling down on our commitments to the NYC startup ecosystem, founders, and funds that make this city special. 

We have more than a few exciting events we are curating with strategic partners like Tech:NYC, aimed at helping builders in the city overcome challenges they are facing, learn from peers, and build connections that ultimately strengthen the city’s startup ecosystem for years to come. 

In the meantime, Rho is here to support the other founders and startups that make this city special. If we can be of any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Everett Cook is the co-founder and CEO of Rho, the financial operating system designed to help businesses boost their bottom line and operational efficiency by integrating business banking products, corporate cards, and payments into one simple and powerful platform.

Everett spent a decade in finance, working at asset managers such as Point72 before starting Rho. He is a native New Yorker and sits on the board of Tech:NYC, where he is dedicated to helping make New York the best place in the world to build a tech startup.
Everett Cook
CEO & Co-Founder

Special sign-up perks for NYC founders

Open your Rho account in just minutes. Plus, NYC founders can receive one of our exclusive founder benefits below. Terms apply.¹


Pair of Apple Airpods Max


Five BATHHOUSE passes


Free one-month Mento subscription


One free Blade ride
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Rho is a fintech company, not a bank. Checking and card services provided by Webster Bank, N.A., member FDIC; savings account services provided by American Deposit Management Co. and its partner banks.

“I believe New York City is the best place in the world to build a tech company.”

Everett Cook, CEO & Co-Founder

Upcoming NYC tech community events

Meet other NYC founders, fund managers, and operators. Stay tuned for more updates!
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Meet our partners

Hear from finance teams and employees made the jump from legacy providers to Rho. Interested in partnering with us? Drop us a note.

Meet the founders and startups running on Rho

Hear how we're helping founders focus on building their companies instead of financial minutiae


What used to take 30-40 hours of my time can now be handled in minutes with rho, which cannot be understated if you are a CFO focused on strategy.
Tyler Majors
Civil Engineering


We evaluated several offerings and kept returning to Rho's user interface and sophisticated mapping that would free up time for our finance support team to focus on more strategic tasks.
Derek Carlson
VP, Controller
Consumer Products


Rho helped us transform our post-close credit card transaction reconciliation process into a bullet on our pre-close checklist, which is music to every finance executive’s ears.
Nikesh Patel


Rho provides a tech-forward platform where we can do everything founders need to do to manage finances operationally - and save hours of time and money in the process.
Alex Marcus
Co-founder, Co-CEO

A special offer for NYC startup entrepreneurs.

Switch to Rho and maintain an average balance of $100,000 across the first 90 days after first deposit. Get $1,500 cash reward. It's that easy. Use promo code RHOBANKSNYC at sign up.
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Rho is not a bank. Rho partners with FDIC-insured banks to offer banking products and services. 1Terms and Conditions apply.

“We are a small, fast growing, but still scrappy team. Understanding how our team is spending our resources (and) being able to get those insights without spending a ton of labor hours on it is incredibly important for us.”

James Jiang
CEO, Co-founder at Spark
Rho is a fintech company, not a bank. Checking and card services provided by Webster Bank, N.A., member FDIC; savings account services provided by American Deposit Management, LLC and its partner banks.