The 12 best expense management software platforms for finance teams in 2024

Learn how to pick the right expense management solution for your business.
Ken Boyd
November 8, 2023
read time
1 minute
Reviewed by
July 11, 2024

Processing expenses can be time-consuming businesses of all sizes, especially those relying on email, spreadsheets, or paper-based processes to manage them. 

Today, roughly 30% of organizations have adopted expense management software to automate this process – with adoption growing by the day. 

This practical guide is designed to help businesses evaluate options on the market and determine the best expense management software for their business needs. 

Finance teams run faster on Rho.

Control spend, boost efficiency, and earn up to 1.25% cashback with Rho.


What is expense management?

Expense management is a systematic approach businesses use to track, analyze, and control spending that supports day-to-day company operations. Some companies pay for expenses using company corporate cards or prefer employees to pay and submit reimbursement requests. 

With either method, expense management involves monitoring transactions, navigating approvals, setting clear policies, budgeting, ensuring compliance, reconciling transaction data, and recording journal entries supporting month-end close.  

Did you know? Rho makes it easy to issue Rho corporate cards to your employees with strict spend controls, including merchant restrictions, and can process reimbursements in seconds. 

Here’s a brief breakdown of the process – and potential bottlenecks that could slow it down:

Process Description
Expense data collection Collecting expense receipts, transaction data, job or project codes, associated budgets, and any other helpful information for bookkeeping purposes.
Journal entries Entering data in the general ledger of your accounting software or ERP and ensuring accuracy on an ongoing basis.
Approvals Gathering the proper approvals for processing expenses in compliance with the expense policy and organizational guidelines.
Employee reimbursement If applicable, handling intake of reimbursement requests, ensuring proper documentation, and processing payment of funds back to employees.
Credit card payment Facilitating payment for expenses using corporate cards that are either centrally managed or assigned to employees.
Recordkeeping Adequately storing receipts and other documentation for future reference.
Analysis Performing cost and expense analyses to identify cost savings areas and keep spending within budget.
Reconciliation Doing data entry and quality assurance for accuracy of records in support of month-end close.

With the right process and supporting technology, expense management can be relatively quick, given the nature of the steps outlined above that are involved. 

Five common expense management problems

Ask yourself if your business experiences any of these challenges. If you do, you’re not alone!

1. Enforcing your expense policy

Finance teams spend hours building expense policies that clearly outline rules that employees should follow when purchasing goods and services needed for their jobs. The problem is that these documents can be long, making it difficult for employees to know what is and isn’t compliant. 

A recent survey found that almost half of employees didn’t know an expense was non-compliant before their purchase. This can be frustrating for finance teams that spent hours developing these policies in a good faith exercise to help their business. 

2. Administering corporate cards and controlling business spend

Every company is different, especially regarding how they prefer to pay for expenses. 

For companies that use corporate cards, it’s understandable that giving every employee a corporate card can make a finance team nervous, especially when you consider many legacy card providers like Amex and Capital One don’t provide customizable controls. 

So, many companies elect to give a handful of company cards to a select few employees – usually owners and senior finance team members – but this can slow down the spending process. 

3. Processing reimbursements

Employer reimbursements involve out-of-pocket expenses that full-time or part-time employees pay upfront with their own money and later seek to recoup via direct deposit or check.

Many companies elect to reimburse employees for business expenses using personal credit cards. As this article points out, reimbursement delays can cause employee frustration and reduced productivity. 

Reimbursement may need more stringent policies for business-related expenses than those purchased with a corporate card—with the emphasized need for documentation, business purpose details, and approval checks—to avoid potential misuse. However, enforcing a separate expense reimbursement policy can be time-consuming.

4. Delays getting receipts and expense reports submitted 

Getting employees and contractors to submit expense receipts promptly is a real challenge. For busy finance teams simultaneously managing multiple projects, chasing down receipts adds unnecessary time to their month-end closing process and makes real-time reporting difficult. 

In our recent expense management survey, we found a significant reason for this friction stems from many midsize organizations relying on manual processes like static spreadsheets, email, and paper filing to manage expense reporting and reimbursements. 

Email is not an efficient tool for communicating about expenses. Poor communication makes it difficult to resolve problems and approve legitimate expenses.

5. Late credit card billing statements

Many legacy corporate card providers provide credit card statements several business days (sometimes weeks) after the end of each month. Even if a business is using an expense management platform, that is still a long time to begin collecting documentation.

These delays add up as finance teams work long hours to reconcile transaction data and close the books. Delays make expense approvals more difficult, journal entries are posted later, and the month-end close takes far longer. Learn why Northpoint Roofing switched to Rho for this very reason. 

Why is expense management important?

When expenses are properly reviewed and approved, this unlocks several benefits to organizations:

  1. You can better track your expenses as you look to expand your margins and manage your cash flow.
  2. You simplify tax preparation and establish a clear audit trail, eliminating the minutes and hours spent rifling through paper documents that hinder a productive tax preparation process.
  3. Thanks to an easier process that doesn’t detract from doing high-impact, engaging work, your finance team and other employees will benefit. 
  4. You ensure your employees promptly get the materials they need to do their jobs.
  5. You can uncover opportunities to save money and eliminate wasteful or redundant spending. 
  6. Your reporting is more likely to be accurate, preventing issues that could surface during close and future audits. 

What is expense management software?

Expense management software automates businesses' tasks to adequately pay for goods and services, track and control costs, and account for purchases during bookkeeping events like month-end close. 

When applied in a way that augments your business’s processes and delivers a delightful user experience, the right corporate credit card expense management software can save your finance team (and other employees) hours each month and optimize your margins. 

That’s one reason why it’s understandable that PWC reports that 53% of CFOs plan to accelerate digital transformation using data analytics, AI, automation, and cloud solutions. Well-managed businesses take advantage of automation.

How does expense management software work?

While it depends on your expense management platform, the first step after signing up is to connect your platform to your corporate card providers – unless you have an integrated tool like Rho that provides both corporate cards and expenses in one platform. 

Then, you will add account admins and users who, with the right enablement, should begin to use the software to process their expenses after purchasing goods and supplies. Examples of steps they will follow include uploading expense receipts, coding transactions under the right budgets, and submitting for the appropriate approvals. 

Throughout the expense submission process, expense management tools will automate some or all aspects of the process, from syncing submitted data to the platform to sending automatic notifications reminding approvers that there are expenses that need their attention.  

Did you know? Rho automates the entire process, making it easy for your employees to pay for goods with Rho Cards, submit their expenses via SMS or the Rho mobile app, and all transaction data will be synced into the Rho platform. This data will sync seamlessly with your accounting software or ERP in one click. 

Who uses expense management software?

In our recent data survey, roughly 30% of organizations use some expense management software today, but this number is quickly growing. 

Every hour your salespeople spend on expense reporting reduces the time spent on sales opportunities. So, why are so many companies not using automation for expense reporting?

Reasons why organizations continue to use paper-based processes or emails and spreadsheets – despite inefficiencies – include: 

  • Level of comfort – many cite that existing processes are “the way we’ve always done it” and may resist change despite the benefits. 
  • Perception of control – some businesses may have owners or senior staff that like the perceived control of approving all checks and controlling the corporate card. 
  • Lack of awareness – many businesses are too busy operating successful businesses to know what expense management software might be out there to help them. 

Any entity that incurs employee expenses can benefit from expense management software, including non-profit organizations and government entities. Businesses with traveling salespeople are heavy users of expense management software to help track the travel expenses.

Unsurprisingly, many businesses stick with the processes they’ve always used — it’s human nature. Others may not be aware of expense management software options, and using software can also be expensive.

How much does expense management software cost?

As you’ll see in the software reviews below, expense management providers offer various pricing models. Companies may charge by the seat or based on the number of transactions. 

Note: The Rho platform is free, with no user or platform usage fees. Rho only charges a 1% fee on FX payments and a wire recall fee.

What to look for in expense management software

The right expense management platform is the one your employees enjoy using that doesn’t add significant costs to your operational expenses, automates all or some of your expense processes, and gives you the control and visibility to run your business efficiently. 

Here are just a few questions you should consider as you evaluate different offerings: 

  • How does the platform work, and does it meet my requirements? 
  • Does the platform’s workflow mesh well with my organization, or will some change management be required? 
  • What level of customizability does the platform offer for my organization? 
  • What positive (or negative) downstream effects could the platform have on my business’s other finance processes, like month-end close?
  • Does the platform integrate with my ERP?
  • What features does the platform offer? 
  • What are the drawbacks of the platform? 
  • How much does the software cost? 
  • Is there a mobile app for employees on the go?
  • Will my employees love the experience? 

Next, we’ll cover the top expense management platforms today. 

The 12 best expense management software tools for accounting teams in 2024

1. Rho

Rho is a comprehensive finance platform thousands of American middle-market businesses use to automate their CFO suite: payables, expenses, treasury, banking services, accounting, and more. 

Rho Expenses gives finance teams the tools to easily manage Rho Card spending, process expense reimbursements, and automate expense management.                                    


Starting with the Rho Card, Rho allows businesses to create unlimited virtual and physical corporate cards and assign strict spend controls to each, including limits, merchant and category controls, and more. 

In the Rho platform, admins can also create customizable spending rules that create automated approval workflows based on the level of spend and budgets involved. When a Rho Card is used, employees receive notifications via SMS or the Rho mobile app to upload their receipts and other expense data synced to the platform. 

All transaction data then syncs live into Rho and can be sent to your ERP in seconds, thanks to our native integrations. 


  • End-to-end finance: Rho offers expense management and other capabilities like AP, banking services, treasury, and corporate cards – all in one platform. 
  • Holistic spend management: With T&E expenses and AP automation in one platform, organizations using Rho get a full picture of spending. 
  • Free service: The Rho platform is free to use.
  • Robust multi-entity capabilities: Rho is designed for scale, from 10-person growth-stage startups and 200-plus employee, multi-entity businesses.
  • 24/7 customer support: Available to assist with implementation and questions.


  • Straight cashback vs. points: Some companies prefer legacy corporate card solutions like Amex or Capital One for the point rewards they offer, even if that impacts process speed. 


Rho integrates with QuickBooks Online, Oracle NetSuite, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, and Sage Intacct

Rho also supports flat-file CSV exporting, so you can automatically tailor transaction categorization to your business needs. Read more about our accounting integrations here.

Pricing & Fees

The Rho platform is free, with no fees for users, payments, accounts, or the overall platform.  

2. Navan

Navan is a popular travel management and expense platform alternative to SAP Concur, thanks to its strong, user-friendly UI, ability to adapt to your corporate card solution, and built-in travel booking capabilities. 


Navan’s platform automates transactions processed with Visa and Mastercard or using a Navan corporate card or your corporate card. Transactions are categorized and reconciled automatically. Employees are reimbursed within days across 45 countries and 25 currencies.

Users can set controls for employee spend and have access to real-time analytics.

  • Receipt submission: Users can take a photo of a receipt after making a payment, and the software automatically posts the related expense.
  • Notifications: Cardholders receive a notice to upload a receipt immediately after each purchase.
  • Spending controls: Once management sets spending controls, cardholders are kept aware of the limits in place.


Navan offers accounting integrations with QuickBooks, NetSuite, Xero, and more.


Expense management is free for a company’s first 50 monthly active users. Navan requires you to book a sales call to get a specific quote for businesses with more than 50 monthly active users. 

Why Navan + Rho

Did you know that Rho and Navan work well together? Pair Rho’s corporate card, banking, AP automation, and treasury with Navan’s best-in-class expense management and travel booking platform. Learn more today

3. SAP Concur

SAP Concur is a cloud-based travel & expense management platform companies use to manage travel booking and employee expenses. Concur Expense provides automated expense management with customized workflows, approvals, and reports.


Concur Expense offers automated invoice capture by email and other sources. Users can customize workflows and spending policies; the platform’s automation will follow the guidelines. 

Managers can review real-time reports, and all data and communications are stored in one place.

SAP Concur provides integrations with ERPs, accounting systems, and payment providers.


  • Compliance: Some finance teams use SAP Concur because of its capabilities to help enforce expense policy compliance. 
  • Brand recognition: SAP has been around for several decades as a brand that many Fortune 500 companies trust.


  • UX: SAP Concur has a reputation for having a clunky user interface. According to reviews, the platform sometimes freezes, and the interface is difficult to navigate.
  • Expensive: SAP Concur is enterprise-grade expense reporting software that typically has expensive contract fees.
  • Receipt uploading: Reviewers explains that uploading receipts is difficult, and user cannot upload receipts in batches.


SAP Concur integrates with SAP’s ERP SAP S/4HANA, Oracle NetSuite, QuickBooks, Xero, and other ERPs.

Pricing & Fees 

SAP Concur requires you to book a sales call for a specific quote.

SAP Concur vs. Rho

SAP Concur has been a de facto travel & expense platform for decades but has limited expense management capabilities. The interface seems old and difficult to navigate. Uploading receipts is time-consuming, and users need help to upload receipts in batches.

Concur Expense has limitations that make it difficult to scale expense management. Rho provides a platform that allows businesses to scale.

Lastly, SAP Concur’s UX and expensive fees have led many companies to move to more modern solutions like Rho, which has the added benefit of having built-in AP, banking, and treasury. 

4. Expensify

Expensify provides expense management software that allows employees to track and organize expenses and submit them for processing. The platform automates expense approval and manages employee reimbursements.


Employees use Expensify for receipt scanning and expense submission. Users can create customized workflows for expense reviews and approvals. 

Expensify Card transactions are automatically posted in the software, and the platform integrates with several accounting software packages.


  • Reimbursement process: Straightforward process with the ability to reimburse using direct deposit.
  • Mobile app: Using the app is intuitive and easy to navigate.
  • Reports tool: Reports can be created and easily shared with other people.


  • Receipt processing: Users need help scanning and uploading receipts on mobile and desktop. OCR does not always work well, and incorrect details are often picked up from receipts.
  • Product promotions: Several reviewers received too many inquiries promoting additional products. Too many pop-ups and notifications.
  • Billing practices: Several reviewers noted that the billing process could be clearer. Some believed that they were charged incorrectly after canceling Expensify.
  • Customer support: Many reviewers pointed out a lack of support and that issues were left unresolved for weeks or months.


Expensify integrates with QuickBooks, NetSuite, Xero, Sage, and other accounting platforms.


Expensify offers three pricing plans for businesses.  If less than 50% of company spend is on the Expensify card, businesses pay a fee based on the amount of card use.

Expensify requires you to book a sales call to get a specific quote based on your expected card use.

Expensify vs. Rho

Expensify’s UX frustrates users, and several reviewers noted a lack of follow-up on customer support issues. The platform has a confusing price structure that some believe is too expensive. Users receive too many inquiries promoting other products.

Rho’s seamless spend management process lets you capture receipts in real-time, and the approval process is fully automated. You can create custom spending rules based on your workflow needs. Rho does not charge platform fees.

5. Brex

Brex provides corporate cards, expense management, travel, and bill pay software solutions.  The platform offers real-time expense tracking and variance reporting. Brex’s customers can do business in several different currencies.


The expense management solution allows users to set up automated spending controls. Users can block or approve spending based on specific categories or merchants. 

Brex automates document collections, and users can also set up approval workflows. The platform speeds up the month-end close using automation. 


  • Mobile functionality: Users can easily take photos of receipts and upload them for expense coding with the mobile app.
  • Brex corporate card: The corporate card streamlines expense processing, and receipts can be easily posted as card expenses.
  • Reimbursements: Brex makes employee reimbursements easier to process.


  • Customer support: Several reviews point out that customer support needs to be more responsive.
  • Balance reporting: Some reviewers feel that they need better reporting on Brex card available balances.
  • Bank transfers: Brex needs to process bank transfers faster, according to some reviewers.


Brex provides ERP integrations with NetSuite, Xero, Sage, and QuickBooks.


Brex requires you to book a sales call to get a specific quote.

Brex vs. Rho

While Brex largely targets VC-backed startups, Rho’s expense management solution is purpose-built to scale with both growth-stage startups and middle-market companies. 

Several Brex users report problems with access to customer service. Rho, on the other hand, provides live expert service 24/7. Brex charges fees for its expense management platform, and the Rho platform is free. 

6. Ramp

Ramp is an expense management platform offering corporate credit cards, invoice processing, and vendor payments. Ramp’s services are designed to control spend and optimize finance operations, all on a single platform.


Expense management users can upload a snapshot of receipts using the mobile app. The platform auto-collects and matches receipts in minutes with integrations for Gmail, Uber, Amazon Business, and Lyft.  Ramp’s automation handles approvals, global reimbursements, and AI-powered reconciliations.


  • Receipt matching: Users can easily match receipts sent by text or email.
  • Reporting: Ramp provides a useful set of real-time reports.
  • UX intuitive: The platform is intuitive and easy to navigate.


  • Xero integration: Some users report problems with the Xero payment integration.
  • Customer support: Ramp does not provide live phone support.
  • Expense categories: The platform needs to provide more customization for expense categories, according to some reviews.


QuickBooks, Netsuite, Xero, Sage, and other ERP platforms.


Some of Ramp’s basic features, like corporate cards and expense management, are free to use. Ramp Plus and Ramp Enterprise offer paid features available for a cost. These include a dedicated account manager, ERP integrations, and customer permissions.   

Ramp vs. Rho

Vs Ramp, Rho fully integrates AP and banking, eliminating late payments, optimizing cash management, and improving visibility over all payment statuses – for free.  

In addition, Ramp has rolled some advanced features like ERP integrations and AP automation into paid Ramp Plus and Ramp Enterprise plans. Meanwhile, Rho offers 24/7 customer support at no additional cost.

7. Bill Spend & Expense (formerly Divvy)

Following BILL’s announced acquisition of Divvy, BILL rebranded the Divvy credit card and expense management platform as BILL Spend & Expense. The company provides the BILL Divvy credit card, an AP automation solution, and accounts receivable software.


When spenders swipe a card, it only takes a few taps for expenses to be fully coded and ready to sync with your accounting system, speeding up the month-end close. The platform categorizes spend in real-time, and managers are notified when spending occurs.


  • User experience: Users comment that the app is easy to use and to navigate.
  • Receipt collection: Collecting receipts and coding them into the platform is a smooth process.
  • Budgeting: The platform codes expenses to the correct budgets, and the budgets are linked to the proper general ledger accounts.


  • QuickBooks integration: Several reviewers mention problems with the QuickBooks integration. Syncing reimbursements and other transactions can be difficult.
  • Customer support: Some Divvy customers feel that the quality of customer service has sharply declined after the purchase by BILL.
  • Reporting: The platform needs to provide more reporting customization. Some reviewers want reports that drill down into shorter periods.


Integrations with Sage, Oracle NetSuite, Microsoft Dynamics, and QuickBooks. See the comments above regarding QuickBooks integration issues.


BILL Spend & Expense requires you to book a sales call to get a specific quote.

BILL Spend and Expense vs. Rho

BILL Spend and Expense gets mixed reviews on customer support performance. Some reviewers believe that customer support during initial setup is effective but that resolving issues after installation is difficult. Rho has a consistently responsive customer service team.

The BILL Spend and Expense has a complicated process for earning corporate card points and rewards. Rho offers a more straightforward cash-back reward and integrations with accounts payable, commercial banking, and treasury management functionality.

8. Airbase

Airbase is a spend management platform for small and midsize companies. It combines comprehensive accounts payable, a corporate card program, and employee expense reimbursements into one system.


Airbase users can take a receipt photo and upload the document using the mobile app. The software uses OCR technology to populate the expense details, including GL accounts, amounts, and vendors., and automates approval workflows and spending limitations.

All documents and communications can be accessed in one location. 


  • Workflows: Users can easily customize workflows
  • ERP integrations: Effective integrations with Oracle NetSuite, Sage Intacct, and other software providers
  • Ease of use from a user perspective and administrator perspective


  • Expensive fees: Fees charged for reimbursements, bill payments, and custom NetSuite fields
  • Performance: Both the desktop and mobile platforms sometimes freeze or don’t load data on the first try, according to some reviewers
  • Time lag before payments: According to some customer reviews, there is too much time between debiting the user’s bank account and paying funds to the vendor 


NetSuite, Sage Intacct, Xero. Additional integrations for bank and credit card apps.

Pricing & Fees

Airbase offers Standard, Premium, and Enterprise pricing levels. Airbase requires you to book a sales call to get a specific quote. 

Airbase vs. Rho

Airbase is an effective expense management and procurement system but lacks the more robust banking and treasury features in the Rho platform. In addition, Airbase follows a subscription-based software fee model so that costs can add up, whereas the Rho platform is free. 

9. Zoho Expense

Zoho’s expense management system allows users to upload or import business expenses. Users can execute multi-currency transactions and split expenses for precise reporting.


Zoho is set up to handle per diem rates based on location and allocate spending based on expense types. Users can itemize expenses so that taxes can be applied to spending. Managers decide on the amount and types of information each staff member can access.


  • Mobile ease of use: Users find the mobile app easy to use and implement, and the integrations are seamless.
  • Approval workflows: Zoho provides configurable approval workflows that can be implemented quickly.
  • Customer support: Customer support is responsive and solves problems quickly.


  • Reporting options: Several reviewers wanted more customization options for reporting.
  • Poor UX: Users have difficulty navigating the platform, according to reviews.
  • Changing from app to desktop: Some users had trouble moving from mobile to desktop because the two systems are slightly different.


Zoho provides integrations with QuickBooks, Xero, and Sage. Several reviewers pointed out that Zoho needs more ERP integrations.


Zoho offers a Free version, but some users stated that the functionality needs to be improved.

The cost of the Standard plan is $3 per user per month. The Premium plan costs $5 per user per month, and the Enterprise plan costs $8. More expensive pricing plans offer more features and benefits. 

Zoho vs. Rho

Zoho performs well for basic users, but the platform has limitations when customers start to scale and poor UX. Report customization is limited, and users pay increasing fees for more functionality.

Rho offers a seamless expense management solution that supports businesses as they scale. The all-in-one platform for spend and cash management is free.

10. Pleo

Pleo offers automated expense management. Users can manage company card expenses, employee reimbursements, mileage tracking, subscriptions, and invoices using Pleo. Note that Pleo is not available in the US.


Users can set spending limits and expense review thresholds. Users are alerted to upload a receipt into the Pleo app when spending occurs. Approvers can be assigned for automated approval. Pleo provides real-time reporting of expenses for manager review.


  • Employee reimbursements: The software speeds up reimbursements and handles mileage expenses. 
  • Spending controls: Controls are effective, and management receives timely reports.
  • Mobile app: Users like the mobile app and the ability to easily upload receipts.


  • High costs: Several reviewers feel that the cost is too high and are hesitant to pay more for additional features.
  • Fee confusion: Some users were confused about charges and felt that Pleo didn’t communicate effectively on fees.
  • Low balance notifications: Pleo should provide more balance notifications, according to some reviewers.


Pleo has integrations with QuickBooks, Sage, and Xero.


Pleo has a free Starter level plan and an Essential plan that starts at 39 pounds per month ($47    US dollars). The Advanced plan starts at 79 pounds per month ($95 US dollars). All three plans allow up to three users. Pleo requires you to book a sales call to get a specific quote for more than three users.

Pleo vs. Rho

Pleo is not available in the US market, while Rho serves the needs of US firms. Some users believe that Pleo is too expensive and that Rho is free.

11. Spendesk

Spendesk provides corporate cards and manages expenses, invoices, accounting automation, and budgeting. The company offers real-time reporting and several ERP integrations. Note that Spendesk does not serve businesses in the US.


Businesses can issue corporate cards with built-in spending controls. Spendesk automatically categorizes payments to the correct general ledger accounts when receipts are captured. Automation streamlines the approval process.


  • The platform is intuitive: Users can easily navigate the platform.
  • Receipt uploads: Customers can take a photo of a receipt and quickly upload it to the platform.
  • Receipt emails: Receipts can be attached to emails or forwarded to a specific address.


  • Approval delays: Some users note that approved spending needs to be updated as approved in all cases. Approved spending may stay in review status in error.
  • Recurring expenses: Several users explained that they must enter monthly data for the recurring expenses. Recurring expenses are not fully automated.
  • High cost: Spendesk is expensive, according to several reviewers.


Spendesk provides integrations with QuickBooks, Xero, and NetSuite.


Spendesk requires you to book a sales call to get a specific quote.

Spendesk vs. Rho

With Spendesk, users point out approval delays, problems with virtual card functionality, and recurring expenses that need to be fully automated. Rho offers a frictionless expense management process that allows a business to scale. 

Spendesk is expensive, according to several reviewers, and Rho is free. Rho also provides cash management and treasury services that Spendesk does not offer.

12. Coupa

Coupa provides expense management from procurement to payment. Coupa strives to streamline spend control by simplifying purchasing and automating data collection and coding. Users receive real-time reports to track expenses and margin performance.


Coupa allows users to search for an airline or hotel and to book travel. Travel bookings are linked to a mobile app and other types of spending. Users can configure workflows to meet their specific needs. Managers have full control over spend, and approvals are automated. 


  • Data storage: Users find it easy to upload invoices and other documents and to locate them when needed.
  • Communication: Stakeholders can view the status of orders, invoices, and payments within the platform.
  • Card program: The expense module has a smooth link to corporate card transaction details.


  • Customer support: Users can only communicate using chat. Some users point out that tickets still need to be solved for too long.
  • Notifications: Several reviewers feel that they receive too many notifications and that many notifications aren’t necessary.
  • Search: The search functionality is difficult to use, and the ability to search by keyword isn’t sufficient.


Coupa’s ERP integrations require additional coding, and deployment can take 6-9 months to go live. Coupa does not have ERP integrations that can be quickly implemented.


Coupa requires you to book a sales call for a specific quote, and some reviewers feel the platform is expensive.

Coupa vs. Rho

Coupa’s ERP integration process takes longer than many competitors. In addition, customer support is available only by chat, which makes resolving problems more difficult. Some users have issues with the number of notifications they receive from Coupa, and the search functionality and UX need to be improved. 

Rho offers a much faster implementation process, live expert service 24/7, and the ability to manage spend and cash in one platform.

Wrap-up: Choose the best expense management software

After reviewing the different expense management software solutions on the market, think about the features and tools that are most important for your business.

And if you still need help choosing the best expense management software, let's make this easy.


  • End-to-end functionality to capture, record, approve, and pay expenses
  • Full integration with corporate cards for easier expense management
  • A scalable platform that grows as you grow

All wrapped up in unbeatable pricing and live customer support 24H Mon-Fri, 10-7pm ET on weekends sounds nice to you, so you should consider Rho.

Schedule time with a Rho payments expert today!

FAQ: Expense management software

There are many expense management platforms available. To evaluate vendors, consider what tools you need to manage expenses, the platform’s cost, and the software company’s ability to implement the solution promptly.

What's the best expense management software for businesses?

Expense management software must automate customized spending rules, receipt capture, approvals, and corporate card transactions. Full expense management automation reduces manual work, decreases processing errors, and speeds up the month-end closing.

Managers must consider software pricing, unique industry requirements for expense management, and whether the platform can grow and adapt as the company scales. 

How much does expense management software cost?

As you read earlier, businesses charge various costs and fees. Companies may charge by the seat or based on the number of transactions. Users may also pay fees for checks, ACH, wire transfers, and other services, and many companies pay more as their needs increase.  

Most expense management platforms do not publish their pricing and ask businesses to contact them for a quote. 

To evaluate the price, consider your current cost to manage monthly expenses (AP staff’s labor cost, paper files, etc.) and compare that to the cost of automation. Automation makes financial sense if the cost savings are greater than your current processing costs.

Competitive data was collected as of November 14, 2023, and is subject to change or update.

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Rho is a fintech company, not a bank. Checking and card services provided by Webster Bank, N.A., member FDIC; savings account services provided by American Deposit Management, LLC and its partner banks.